Human Resources

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Iasis Hospital is currently able to cover the entire range of services that may be required in any medical specialty, as it cooperates with renowned scientists across all medical specialties including professors of medicine.

The nursing staff at IASIS has been chosen to fully support medical services. The Hospital's Scientific Board believes and promotes lifelong learning and training of its staff by organising on an annual basis training and specialisation seminars for the nursing staff, on issues regarding nursing and the technology involved in medicine and nursing.

The administrative staff of the Hospital is composed of finance and health administration experts, as well as specialised and experienced managers. Iasis Hospital invests in expertise and in human resources who are able to implement modern healthcare management models to meet the needs of patients in the best possible way.

Finally, the paramedical and auxiliary staff consist of specialised officers and technicians as well as experienced associates who ensure the highest possible degree of functionality of medical and technological equipment.

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M.Mpotsari 76-78
73136, Chania
tel: +30 28210 70800,
fax: +30 28210 91140
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