Department of Surgery

Department of Gynecologic Endoscopic Surgery


The department of advanced Endoscopic Surgery of Iasis Hospital offers state of the art service to our female patients. Endoscopy in gynecology has given new prospects in diagnosis and treatment of gynecological conditions.

Iasis Hospital has a modern laparoscopic and hysteroscopic theater, with medical and nursing personnel of high specialization.

Which operations can be done laparoscopically?

Laparoscopic operations are distinguished in:

small or light, such as diagnostic laparoscopies, loosening of thin adhesions and cross-section of fallopian tubes in women who wish interruption of fertility

medium, such as the removal of ectopic pregnancies, ovarian cysts, hydrosalpinxes, peritoneal endometriosis and unblocking of fallopian tubes

big operations, such as the abstraction of fibroids, uterus and ovaries, extensive solutions of intestinal adhesions, urogynaecological procedures and abstraction of retroperitoneal endometriosis.

In specialised centres even gynaecological oncological operations are feasible.

In which cases is laparoscopy not advised?

There are relative and absolute cases when laparoscopy is not advised. Relative are those cases that are relative to the surgical experience of the surgeon. In practice it is up to the surgeon to decide where his limits are. For example, big fibroids or big fibroid uteruses are relative non advisable cases, but not for all surgeons. A lot of previous laparotomies constitute a relative non advisable case. Enormous masses however, or general abdominal malignancy constitute for absolute contraindication and should be done with open surgery because of the exceptionally limited abdominal area. Today most gynaecological operations are done with laparoscopy.

How safe is laparoscopy?

In the past 25 years enormous numbers of operations have been held internationally and the results have proved that the dangers and complications are comparable or even less than those of an open surgery. The laparoscopic technique is exceptionally safe as is the anesthesia that is granted for as long as the operation lasts. Both techniques have been improved through the years and fast recovery from laparoscopic operations is to a big extent owed to new medicines and to the techniques of anaesthesiology. Proof of the safety of these operations is the continuously large numbers of people that are submitted internationally to such operations and the incredible technological improvement that dominates in endoscopic congresses. Also, throughout the past 10 years, a lot of foreign universities teach laparoscopic surgery and therefore constituting an autonomous post-specialty training.


What is a hysterectomy?

The term hysterectomy refers to the surgical removal of the uterus, the cervix and possibly the ovaries and fallopian tubes (Drawing 1).

The uterus is commonly removed in benign pathologies such as metrorrhagias, pelvic pain and fibroids.

There are three basic types of hysterectomy: abdominal hysterectomy, which is done with a cross section in the abdomen, similar to the Caesarean section, vaginal hysterectomy, which is done through the vagina and the laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy.

How is a hysterectomy done?

Established 150 years ago, abdominal or open hysterectomy is the method of surgically removing the uterus. Since then minimal changes have been made. However, the most important change was to the section in the abdomen, which from oblong became traverse, similar to that of the Caesarean section. The average recovery time required from an abdominal intervention is 4-5 days in the clinic and up to one month at home.

What is a vaginal hysterectomy?

It is the removal of the uterus through the vagina. This method is mainly applied in cases, where the pelvic area has suffered loosening and the uterus has descended. During the intervention pathologies such as cystic fibroids, loosening of anterior vaginal wall and loosening of the ovarian rear wall can be corrected.

General Surgery

The Iasis Hospital General Surgery Department is fully equipped and undertakes all types of cases, regardless of severity. The department does not simply aim to surgically treat the cases at hand but also to inform the local population on diseases of a surgical nature and on ways to prevent them. The department is on call 24/7 for the treatment of acute cases, injuries, burns, and other incidents.


Obstetrics Department

Iasis Hospital offers Obstetric, Gynaecological, Surgical, Diagnostic and Treatment Services of the highest quality, so that the modern woman has at her disposal a complete range of services for the prevention and treatment of any health problem in adolescence, the reproductive and mature age. The scientific team of the Obstetrics Department at Iasis is responsible for monitoring pregnancy from the first days of pregnancy until the day of delivery. 



The team of specialized Orthopedists at Iasis Hospital have long experience in the surgical treatment of orthopedic disorders, and, combined with the modern equipment and facilities, they provide high quality services. The Orthopedics clinic operates on a daily basis at the Hospital (morning and afternoon), and patients are examined by appointment only.



The Iasis Hospital Urology Department covers the full spectrum of diagnostics and treatment services related to any acute or chronic disease of the urogenital system 24 hours a day. The Department is equipped with the most modern machinery, thus enabling safe and efficient treatment of all urogenital system diseases.


Vascular Surgery Department

The Vascular Surgery Department at IASIS Hospital provides specialised care to patients with vascular disease and covers the entire range of Vascular Surgery both in diagnosis and treatment.



The Iasis Hospital Ophthalmology Department is equipped with state of the art medical technology in the ophthalmology field, both in the ophthalmology operating rooms and the ocular disease check up department.



The Neurosurgery Department at Iasis Hospital covers almost all neurosurgery cases. The department performs spinal surgery using modern methods, so as to minimize patient discomfort and hospitalization time. In addition, the department performs brain surgery for neoplasias, as well as various vascular malformations, aneurysm ruptures, etc. It offers 24-hour coverage and is equipped with modern equipment. The department applies the latest treatment methods for neurosurgical disorders (Laser, discectomy, spinal implants for pain and spasticity, microsurgery). The department treats all brain, spine and peripheral nerve injuries and disorders.

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