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Useful links

Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity  http://www.mohaw.gr/gr
 Hellenic Center for Infectious Disease Control  http://www.keel.org.gr/
 National Organization of Medicines (EOF)  http://www.eof.gr/
 Institute of Pharmaceutical Research &  Technology  http://www.ifet.gr/
 National Transplant Organization  http://www.eom.gr/
 National Bioethics Commission   http://www.bioethics.gr
 Citizen’s with Disabilities Guide  http://gspa.hol.gr/amea/main.htm
 Organization Against Drugs  http://www.okana.gr/
 Hellenic Research Foundation   http://www.eie.gr/
 Hellenic Society of  Immunology  http://www.mednet.gr/hsi/index-en.htm
 Hellenic Red Cross  http://www.redcross.gr/
 Hellenic Cancer Society  http://www.cancer-society.gr/
 Europa – Public Health http://europa.eu/scadplus/leg/el/s03000.htm
 World Health Organization  http://www.who.int/en/
 Medicines du Monde  http://www.mdmgreece.gr/
 Medicines sans Frontieres  http://www.msf.gr/
 UNICEF  http://www.unicef.gr/index.htm
 Europ Assistance  http://www.europe-assistance.se/
 SOS International a/s  http://www.sos.dk/en/
 In.gr Health  http://health.in.gr/
 Iatronet.gr  http://www.iatronet.gr/
 Pathfinder News - Health  http://news.pathfinder.gr/health
 Skai Health  http://www.skai.gr/master_category.php?id=1017
 Nature.com  http://www.nature.com/index.html
 BBC Health    http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/
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